Build in public!

Why do we as entrepreneurs hide our ambitions, business goals, and big DREAMS? What if THE DREAM is actually a viable, in-demand product? And by keeping it under wraps until it’s *pErFecT, you’re missing out on that demand?

Well, I’ve kept my DREAM on the low for too long…




This is me, building in public!

After a decade+ in social media marketing, brand consulting, business strategizing, content creating, and team managingβ€”essentially building other people’s dreams on their termsβ€”it was time for me to jump for my DREAM.

And boy, did I jump!

Right into the arms of the high-risk, higher-reward, but low-success-rate world of techβ€”building MY DREAMβ€”a SaaS e-commerce platform.

Like most tech startups, it was a wild, albeit brief, adventure. While I fell into the low-success-rate category, I came out on top with the high reward: a real-world MBA-level education, skills I had never dreamt of, and proof that I can, in fact, do anything!

With the end of one dream, it was time to shape the nextβ€”so I asked myself a lot of questions, but two would ultimately shape my next venture:

What did I love most about entrepreneurship?

What didn’t I love about entrepreneurship?

What I loved building my first SaaS:

  1. I L-O-V-E building things!

  2. I love the creativity, the challenge, and the highs and lows.

  3. I love the problem solving, the pivots, and I LOVE watching the dream take shape into reality.

What I didn’t love building my first SaaS.

  1. I didn’t know what β€˜SaaS’ was, and with that, I didn’t know a lot of industry jargon.

  2. I didn’t love the lonely road of entrepreneurship.

  3. I didn’t love living in a vacuum of my own thoughts!

These answers are the driving force behind the Partner-ship Incubator.

Truth is β€” I had a business partner and I had a Business Incubator, but I still felt alone. It was a lot of solo brainstorms, long walks, and wishing I had someone committed to working alongside me.

My DREAM with the Partner-ship Incubator is to use my real-world MBA-level education to help you bring your DREAM to life! To be the PARTNER I wished for and the committed support system you need.

It’s a great mission, so what’s held me back?

Perfectionism. Imposter syndrome. Doubt. Because even as a marketing expert, I wasn’t sure how to get the message out… so I tucked it away until I could craft the perfect message, and the perfect image, and the perfect website, round and round the spiral went. All going against my own advice!

THEN, I woke up!

If I can’t apply my own advice, then I’m the same scammer I work against in the Anti Course and the Anti Coach.

So here we are, doing as I say!

If you’re interested in joining the Partner-ship Incubator, book an exploration call today!

Did you know?


of businesses nurtured in a business incubator SURVIVE after 5 years.


startups & small businesses without support DON’T survive after 5 years.

a new approach to ENTREPRENEURSHIP

a new approach to ENTREPRENEURSHIP

Helping founders build what people WANT.